Josef Zámečník, Prof, M.D., Ph.D.
Professor of Pathology
Department of Pathology and Molecular Medicine
Charles University, 2nd Medical Faculty, University Hospital Motol
PRAGUE, Czech Republic
Marián Švajdler jr. M.D., Ph.D.
Professor of Pathology
Šikl's Department of Pathology
Charles University, Medical Faculty Hospital
PILSEN, Czech Republic
MUDr. Magdaléna Daumová, Ph.D.
Šikl's Department of Pathology
Charles University, Medical Faculty Hospital,
PILSEN, Czech Republic
MUDr. Ondřej Fabián
Department of Pathology and Molecular Medicine, 3rd Medical Faculty, Charles University and Thomayer Hospital, Prague, Czech Republic
Clinical and Transplant Pathology Centre, IKEM, Prague, Czech Republic
Doc. MUDr. Tomáš Jirásek, Ph.D.
Department of Pathology, Hospital Liberec, Czech Republic
Doc. MUDr. Kristýna Němejcová, Ph.D.
Department of Pathology,
1st Medical Faculty, Charles University and General University Hospital,
Prague, Czech Republic
Jaromír Háček, M.D.
Department of Pathology and Molecular Medicine
Charles University, 2nd Medical Faculty, University Hospital Motol
PRAGUE, Czech Republic
Prof. MUDr. A. Böör, CSc.
Department of Pathology,
Medical Faculty, P. J. Safárik University, Louis Pasteur's Faculty Hospital,
Kosice, Slovak Republic
Prof. MUDr. Ľ. Danihel, CSc.
Department of Pathology,
School of Medicine, Comenius University,
Bratislava, Slovak Republic
Doc. MUDr. D. Daniš, CSc.
Cytopathos s.r.o.,
Bratislava, Slovak Republic
Prof. MUDr. P. Dundr, Ph.D.
Department of Pathology,
1st Medical Faculty, Charles University and General University Hospital,
Prague, Czech Republic
Prof. MUDr. J. Dušková, CSc., F.I.A.C.
Department of Pathology,
1st Medical Faculty, Charles University and General University Hospital,
Prague, Czech Republic
Prof. MUDr. J. Ehrmann, Ph.D.
Department of Pathology & Laboratory of Molecular Pathology,
Faculty of Medicine, Palacky University,
Olomouc, Czech Republic
Prof. MUDr. M. Hermanová, Ph.D.
1st Department of Pathologic Anatomy,
Medical Faculty of Masaryk University and St. Anne's University Hospital,
Brno, Czech Republic
Prof. MUDr. R. Kodet, CSc.
Department of Pathology and Molecular Medicine,
Charles University, 2nd Medical Faculty, University Hospital Motol,
Prague, Czech Republic
Doc. MUDr. L. Křen, Ph.D.
Department of Pathology,
University Hospital,
Brno, Czech Republic
Prof. MUDr. V. Mandys, CSc.
Department of Pathology,
Charles University, 3rd Faculty of Medicine,
Prague, Czech Republic
Prof. MUDr. M. Michal
Šikl's Department of Pathology,
Charles University Medical Faculty Hospital,
Pilsen, Czech Republic
Prof. MUDr. L. Plank, CSc.
Department of Pathology,
Comenius University, Jessenius Medical Faculty and Martin's Faculty Hospital,
Martin, Slovak Republic
Prof. MUDr. C. Povýšil, DrSc.
Department of Pathology,
1st Medical Faculty, Charles University, and General University Hospital,
Prague, Czech Republic
Prof. MUDr. A. Ryška, PhD.
The Fingerland Department of Pathology,
Charles University, Faculty of Medicine and University Hospital,
Hradec Kralove, Czech Republic
Prof. MUDr. A. Skálová, CSc.
Šikl's Department of Pathology,
Charles University Medical Faculty Hospital,
Pilsen, Czech Republic
Prof. MUDr. I. Šteiner, CSc.
The Fingerland Department of Pathology,
Charles University, Faculty of Medicine and University Hospital,
Hradec Kralove, Czech Republic
MUDr. M. Zámečník
Medicyt, s.r.o., Trenčín
International members of the Editorial Board
Prof. N.V. Adsay, M.D.
Department of Pathology, Emory University School of Medicine
Atlanta, GA, USA.
Prof. M. B. Amin, M.D.
Department of Pathology & Laboratory Medicine, Cedars-Sinai Medical Center
Los Angeles, CA, USA
Prof. Y. Collan, M.D., Dr. Med. Sci, FRCPath.
University of Turku, Department of Pathology
Turku, Finland
Prof. D. Gratzinger, M.D, Ph.D.
Dept. of Phatology, Stanford University
Palo Alto, CA, USA
Prof. A. Matolcsy M.D., Ph.D., D.Sc.
1st Department of Pathology and Experimental Cancer Research, Semmelweis University,
Faculty of Medicine, Budapest, Hungary
Prof. Dr. med. G. Seitz
Institut für Pathologie, Klinikum Bamberg
Bamberg, Germany
Prof. S. Suster, M.D.
Department of Pathology & Laboratory Medicine, Medical College of Wisconsin
Milwaukee, WI, USA
Prof. Dr. med. habil. Dr. med. M. Vieth
Institut für Pathologie, Klinikum Bayreuth
Bayreuth, Germany
Prof. H. Vogel, MD
Dept. of Pathology, Stanford University
Palo Alto, CA, USA
Journal is published by Česká lékařská společnost J. E. Purkyně
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